If you can, you should maximize value…
When using the Sales objective with Website conversion location where Purchase is the conversion event, the default performance goal is to maximize the number of conversions.
But if you’re eligible, you may want to consider a different approach.
Maximizing Number vs. Value
When maximizing the number of conversions, Meta only cares about one thing: Getting you as many conversions as possible within your budget.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. But a better option may be to maximize value. Meta will be focused on higher value purchases and Return on Ad Spend.
Meta recommends this, but not everyone qualifies.
Eligibility Requirements
First, you need to track purchase events with at least two distinct values during the past seven days. If you only have one price point, maximize value won’t help you.
The more difficult threshold is that you also need to have generated at least 30 attributed optimized click-through purchases with values over 7 days. It’s not only that you’ve had 30 conversions on your pixel during the past week. They need to be attributed and click through.
Should You Use It?
If you can, maximizing value is often worth it. Especially if you’re not getting the ROAS that you want and you qualify for this approach. Just know that your Cost Per Conversion may go up as you’ll likely get a lower volume of conversions.
Maximizing volume also gives you the option of using the ROAS Goal bid strategy.