When using the Website conversion location and maximizing the number or value of conversions…
…click “Show More Options”…
…to view and edit the attribution setting.
You may see this message:
1-day engaged-view is now selected by default to help maximize your campaign performance. With engaged-view, we’ll show your video ads to the people most likely to convert.
What it Means
Meta added engaged-view a year ago as an attribution setting option. When selected, Meta will prioritize people who will convert within a day after watching at least 10 seconds of your video — or 97% if it’s less than 10 seconds.
Until now, the default attribution setting was 7-day click and 1-day view (or 28-day click and 1-day view, way back in the day). But now 1-day engaged-view is selected by default.
Of course, engaged-view will only apply if you’re promoting a video. You can always turn it off, but I’m not sure why you would. It should only work to your benefit.
Evolving Meaning
Side Note: At some point during the past year, Meta changed the definition of Engaged-View. Originally, it was a view-through (“non-click” as Meta defined it) conversion.
You could only select it if 1-day view was selected.
But that’s no longer the case. The “non-click” wording was removed along with the requirement to select 1-day view.
Engaged-view now appears to be a segment of both click and view conversions. Meta provided this reporting example:
In other words, there were 20 total conversions — 15 which were 1-day view and 5 which were 1-day click. Of those conversions, 3 were 1-day engaged-view, which could have been the result of a view or click. Engaged-view is click agnostic.